
Dear I,
          One of the better faculties of human beings is reasoning. That which distinguishes one among so many of us is our varying prowess of comprehending the inner and more private motivations of others. It is this very faculty which allows us to class a certain person as either naive or worldly-wise.
But I have noticed that sometimes people mistakenly reason out too much out of something too simple. That is why I ask you not to judge Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore who only fell in love with a man.
But then does whom you fall in love with matter ?
Do not fail to remember that love is the most selfish of all emotions and no doubt it often motivates acts of great selflessness but it is also that which induces the more terrible things humans are capable of.
Thus love bereaves us of this oh so precious reason and the most precious of all gifts mankind has known is lost.
To all those who do not conform to stereotypes here's one that you did conform to.