Les enfants

Dear I,
         Why should I have to regain what once was mine anyway ? The wisdom that children are born with should not be eroded by social structure. The vivid stories that i imagined. The songs that i constructed , why , why must they go ? The toys i played with , they were beautiful and they were perfect because i gave reason , validity , to them to each tiny part of them. I was one god in the company of many. We had equality equanamity. All that we gave life to existed . There was no lasting animosity. No cyclic pattern of entropy. Rather there was a never ending newness and brilliance.
            I now lie , thinking about the how we were so perfectly aware of ourselves then . Not too much nor to little. Now this mess called self consciousness eats our very esence away leaving me behind. But a reflection of perfrection.

P.S. I wouldn't worry too much for i am regaining much of what i lost. Hope you do too.