Something best forgotten.

There was a time
When butter made me smile.
Its scent lingered,
Faintly on my fingers,
As I plodded through the day.
But then I found you
More fragrant than butter,
More fragrant than flowers.
Such power
That I staggered.
But I did not fall.
No, I never fell.
Or is it a lie I tell?
To put myself to sleep,
And to stem the tears that I weep.
Laughter costs us nothing,
You said.
But tears are dearly paid for,
I know.
These tears have taken
My grief far away
To a place where they will not bother me ever again.
Or so I thought.
For I am pregnant with grief
–and each one that leaves
Is replaced again.
I am no Heracles
Fighting the Hydra.
For these griefs are my own, my children.

I am angry with you because you do not love me like how I love you. You spend time with me when you want to with no care for my time. And though I am friend to you, I don’t know where I stand in your life. I feel a tightness around my chest (my heart is silent).
I like the taste and smell of butter. Now there is no pleasure in it. I can find none, none at all.
I am more than a friend and less than a lover. When you ask me to do something I feel pleased. I feel pleased because it is you.
I feel a thrill run down my spine when you call my name. And I always run the last few steps to your house.

Something is scraping my head.
Is it a claw?
No, that is false.
Is it a rake?
That cannot be
–it is in the garden.
Is it a spoon?
No, it has not left the plate.
It is pain.
The monster that
Cannot talk,
Cannot sing
And cannot rejoice
In the sun.
It tells me
I was never happy.
I am ready to believe
That is true.
I must go now,
It is come again.

I get angry with you sometimes, but I am always angry at myself. People are fond of saying “loving the impossible”. They forget that love is imagined beyond the possible which is the world as it already is. I have loved in vain, maybe even foolishly, but I have not loved impossibly. My anger comes from this tenuous and fragile hope.
When you stand on the beach, where the surf breaks on the shore, the tide pulls the sand away from under your feet and you feel like you stand upon a branch though you can see the ground all around you.
That is how fragile my hope is. But my love, why, my love is like standing at the edge of the sea breathing in all its beauty, majesty and force through my nose, my eyes, my skin, my tongue and my ears. The roar of the sea echoes the roar of my heart. The pull of the water is the strength of my love. The salt of the sea-spray is a mark of how ordinary my love is.

The bank that went broke

It can be the party or a party

As long as my tumbler is full;

Yet I feel that my tumbler is full

Too often

That I scarcely laugh any longer.

The creaking of the door

Keeps me awake at night

And I dream of escaping

On a turquoise flying carpet,

But even in my dreams, carpets cannot fly.

The grace that I was born with

Has been spent in full.

And I do not know who

Can loan me some more

So I may laugh again.